Two Halves Make a Whole

Surprisingly, it is possible to reduce the data needed for a garbled gate to only two ciphertexts per gate, while preserving free xors. The scheme for doing that is described in our paper, Two Halves Make a Whole: Reducing Data Transfer in Garbled Circuits using Half Gates by Samee Zahur...

iDash Competition Winne...

Congratulations to Samee Zahur for winning the iDash Secure Genomics competition (Hamming Distance challenge task), sponsored by Human Longevity, Inc. A video of the event is available at Samee’s solution was built using Obliv-C, a language for...

Kickoff Meeting Photos

Here are some photos of the Kickoff meeting in Charlottesville...

Kickoff Meeting

The Kickoff Meeting will be Tuesday, August 30th in Charlottesville, VA. The planned agenda is here.